Especially when it happens before you have even breathed a word of the idea to each other?
I love it when God puts husbands and wives together on the same page.
Just before we headed to the muster, I mentioned to Paul that I thought it was time we put some limits on technology. We do use the computer a LOT (have you noticed?)
The funny thing is - he had been listening to a podcast and was thinking the same thing.
And although we don't watch a lot of TV (none during the day ... and not every night), we rarely watch the same shows so are often in different parts of the house.
Not to mention how invasive mobile phones can be when we ARE out having fun as a family.
We aren't going to ditch technology completely (hey - I love how this blog keeps me accountable and in touch!), but we are going to put real limits on things.
There are some changes to be made, and honestly - I can't wait to make them.
Monday is our start date. We want to go into this with a plan in mind. Even the planning is fun.
After all - when it comes down to things - this is what matters. Time with my God, Time with my husband and girl, with my family and friends.
More moments like this - doesn't it melt your heart?
More time to dance. Can't wait to see how this choice is blessed! Come and keep me accountable!